The Chandigarh Police is the law enforcement agency for the Union Territory of Chandigarh in India. Chandigarh Police has its headquarters at sector 9 D, Chandigarh. The head of the state police is the Director General of Police (DGP). The current D.G.P. is Tajender Singh Luthra, IPS. The D.G.P. reports to the Administrator of U.T Chandigarh, who is the Governor of Punjab. Chandigarh has the highest police density as compared to all other states and Union Territories across India. As of 2015, there are 5295.6 policemen per 100 km² area in Chandigarh.
Video Chandigarh Police
Organizational structure
Chandigarh Police comes under direct control of Department of Home Affairs, Chandigarh administration. The department is headed by the Inspector General of Police and a Deputy Inspector General of Police.
Maps Chandigarh Police
External links
- Chandigarh Police official page
Source of article : Wikipedia